This research was carried out to find out the effect of cognitive behaviour therapy on intellectual achievement responsibility among students of Kaduna State College of Education Gidan Waya, Nigeria. The population of the study includes all the NCE1 students of 2015/2016 session which was summed up to three thousand eight hundred and fifteen (3815) students out of which sixty (60) participants were selected for the study by employing stratified sampling technique. PretestPosttest quasi experimental research designed was used in the research and four null hypotheses were raised in line with the objectives of the study as a guide. Cognitive behaviour therapy treatment package was adapted and the training lasted for eight weeks. Data were collected by administration of the instruments at pretest and posttest. Crandall‟s Model of Intellectual Achievement Responsibility scale adapted and modified was used for the data collection. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (t-test) were employed to analyze the data collected and the results revealed that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has significant effect on both internal and external intellectual achievement responsibility with ( t= 7.239, P=.000) and (t=2.265, p= .0269) respectively. It was also found that there was significant differential effect of gender on posttest of Internal Intellectual Achievement Responsibility in favour of male participants with (t=4.397, p=.002) and (t=1.7367, p=.018) respectively on the external IAR. It was therefore, recommended that Colleges of Education should give psychological intervention such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to students to improve their IAR.
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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